Contribution to the discussion on the rationale of the inclusion of non-ETS sectors into the EU ETS
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emission trading
non-ETS sectors

How to Cite

Jarno, K. (2016). Contribution to the discussion on the rationale of the inclusion of non-ETS sectors into the EU ETS. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 78(3), 125–137.

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The paper contributes to the discussion on the possibilities of reducing greenhouse gases emissions from the sectors that are not covered by the European Union Emissions Trading System (the so-called non-ETS sectors). The author deals with some issues that should be taken into consideration while evaluating the validity of bringing additional sectors (i.e. transport, agriculture and buildings) into the European Union Emissions Trading System. Different approaches to including new sectors to the Emissions Trading System are considered. The research methods include descriptive and comparative analysis.
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