Location motives for outsourcing centres to cities in Poland
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outsourcing service centres

How to Cite

Budner, W. W., & Resmer, A. (2016). Location motives for outsourcing centres to cities in Poland. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 78(3), 139–154. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2016.78.3.11

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Modern business services constitute one of the most dynamic developing branches in the economy. This is especially true in Poland. In the last dozen or so years in several Polish cities offering specific location factors over 500 outsourcing service centres have started up. Together they employ over 150 thousand people (in 2015). Intense economic links within these cities have been leading to the establishment of yet more service centres. This branch has been a driving force in the modern office estate market. The article highlights the issue of location choice for outsourcing centres in Poland. Taking into consideration the high dynamics of development of this based on the knowledge economy sector, this issue may be important for business investors, local government units, as well as local business entities. The authors attempt to identify the factors which influence the decisions of managers choosing the place for this activity. A nationwide empirical study was conducted using standardised questionnaire interview addressed to decision-makers in the processes of choosing a location for such centres. The results of these studies include the list of location factors specifying the gradation of their significance to investors when deciding about location.
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