The role of the State in the economy
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Ratajczak, M. (2017). The role of the State in the economy. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(1), 5–23.

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After the recent financial crisis, a debate on the fundamental categories and mechanisms of market economy in a capitalist system and the role of the State in it has intensified. In Poland, this debate became even more significant after certain government documents (the Plan, followed by the Strategy of Responsible Development, commonly termed Morawiecki’s Plan and Strategy)
had been publicised. The view of the role played by the State in the economy is one of the main determinants that divides the science of economy into different schools, and constitutes the grounds upon which different economic doctrines emerge. The ongoing debate on the mechanisms of the functioning of economy in Poland and worldwide has been examined in the context of the historical dispute regarding the role of the State in market economy.
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