The significance of the monopoly degree in Post-Keynesian pricing theories
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Post-Keynesian economics
price setting

How to Cite

Umiński, P. (2017). The significance of the monopoly degree in Post-Keynesian pricing theories. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(1), 211–222.

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The article is a theoretical basis for the empirical analysis of prices conducted in accordance with Post-Keynesian economics. Post-Keynesians, taking into consideration critical realism as a methodological base of Post-Keynesian economics, distinguish three pricing theories: administered prices, normal cost prices and mark up prices. In this article, a particular attention is paid to those elements of the three theories that indicate the significance of industry concentration in price setting. The analysis which has been carried out indicates a modest significance of concentration in Post-Keynesian pricing theories. Only the in mark up theory, which originated from Michał Kalecki’s works, concentration matters explicitly. In the normal cost prices theory, the
monopoly degree matters only in the profit rate, and in the administered prices theory there is no such clear relation. None of the theories discussed confirmed the impact of the monopoly degree on the variability of prices. It should be pointed out that in Post-Keynesian price theories, it is the variable which represents the supply side (e.g. the production costs) which is of key importance. The reason for a price change is not the change in the demand but the change in the costs or in the strategy of the enterprise.
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National Science Centre Research Grant no. DEC-2013/09/N/HS4/03699


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