About the Journal

The journal’s scope and range

Slavia Antiqua is an interdisciplinary and international journal publishing texts written by historians, archaeologists, linguists, experts in Arab studies, ethnographers from Poland and abroad (mainly the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Russia). Beside strictly academic articles (monographic and source criticism studies, polemics, editorial reviews), the Chronicle in Slavia Antiqua provides information about conferences, symposiums and congresses,  organised in Poland and abroad, revolving around research into a broadly defined Slavic world. The Chronicle covers jubilees and demises of scholars of merit to the development of research into the world of Slavs. The journal aims at contributing to the development of  research carried out in numerous fields of Slavic studies. There is no charge for publishing articles in the journal.

The journal’s history

While the idea of establishing a journal was originated in the 1930s, the works on it were disrupted by the outbreak of WWII. The first volume of Slavia Antiqua was published in 1948 as a journal affiliated with the Faculty of Polish Archaeology of the Poznań University (later the Institute of Prehistory of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). Starting with volume XXXIV (1993), Slavia Antiqua has also been published as a journal of the Department of History and Social Sciences of the Poznań Society of Friends of Learning, in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. For many years, until 2007, Prof. Witold Hensel was chairman of the Editorial Committee and the Editor in Chief. Starting with volume XXXII (1989/90), he was supported by Prof. Zofia Kurnatowska, co-editor who managed Slavia Antiqua from 2007 to 2013. Currently, Prof. Andrzej Michałowski is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. Slavia Antiqua journal is now published by the Publishing House of the Poznań Society for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences; the Faculty of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań is the journal’s co-publisher

Open access policy

The publisher provides open access (CC BY-ND International) to all journal content in line with the principle that freely accessible research enhances and accelerates global scientific development and knowledge exchange. The editors encourage authors to submit articles published in the journal to open access repositories (the publisher's final version) as long as they provide a link to the journal's website and the DOI number of the article.
The journal does not charge authors any fees for the procedure of accepting and publishing texts.