Ulsterczyk o imieniu Achilles

Słowa kluczowe

Michael Hughes Country
‘Irish’ gaze

Jak cytować

Schade, G. (2019). Ulsterczyk o imieniu Achilles. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 29(1), 143–155. https://doi.org/10.14746/sppgl.2019.XXIX.1.9

Liczba wyświetleń: 352

Liczba pobrań: 221


Schade Gerson, An Ulsterman Named Achilles (Ulsterczyk o imieniu Achilles).
A new novel by an English-writing author turns out to be a careful reworking of the story of Achilles, as it is told by Homer. The article elucidates how the modern text works and suggests how it may relate to an ‘Irish’ gaze. A new term, décalage, is introduced to describe a particular poetic device that belongs to the many ways of establishing intertextuality.


Primary sources

Homer. The Iliad. Tr. by M. Hammond. 1987. London: Penguin.

Hughes, M. Country. 2018. London: John Murray.

Joyce, J. 1993. Ulysses. Ed. by J. Johnson. 1993. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Secondary sources

Arend 1933: Arend, W. 1933. Die typischen Szenen bei Homer. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.

Fränkel 1921: Fränkel, H. 1921. Die homerischen Gleichnisse. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Genette 1982: Genette, G. 1982. Palimpsestes – La littérature au second degré. Paris: Seuil.

Griffin 1980: Griffin, J. 1980. Homer on life and death. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lucas 1959: Lucas, D.W. 1959. The Greek tragic poets, sec. ed. London: Cohen & West.