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Eliot Murder in the Cathedral
Aeschylus Agamemnon
Louis MacNeice
Wyndham Lewis


Schade, G. (2017). SOME OBSERVATIONS ON T.S. ELIOT’S MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 26(2), 143–151. Abgerufen von


Louis MacNeice translated Aeschylus’ Agamemnon in such a way that some were reminded of T.S. Eliot’s play
Murder in the Cathedral. Both plays were staged in the mid-1930s in England, and the authors corresponded
with each other. At first sight, this is the story of a minor figure imitating greater stylishness. A closer analysis,
however, reveals that Eliot drew largely on Aeschylus’ Agamemnon. This is new, yet on second thoughts, not
surprising: being obsessed by heritage and tradition, Eliot was surely a fervent reader of classical tragedies,
perhaps even a fine connoisseur. Nevertheless, there is another story, lurking in the background so to say, this
time about a great poet indebted to a subtle and sensitive mind.

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Allison 2010: J. Allison, Letters of Louis MacNeice, London 2010.

Armitage/Clark 1973: C.M. Armitage, N. Clark, A Bibliography of the Works of Louis MacNeice, Edmonton 1973.

Dawe 1963: R.D. Dawe, Inconsistency of Plot and Character in Aeschylus, “Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society” 9, 1963, 21–62.

Duggan 2004: A.J. Duggan, Edward Grim, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online), 2004.

Eliot 1937: T.S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral, London 1937 (third ed.).

Eliot 1962: T.S. Eliot, Collected Plays, London 1962.

Eliot 2009: T.S. Eliot, Letters I: 1898–1922, London 2009 (revised ed.) Green 1960: P. Green, Some Versions of Aeschylus: A Study of Tradition and Method in Translating

Classical Poetry, in: P.G., Essays in Antiquity, London 1960, 185–215.

Leech 1969: C. Leech, Tragedy, New York 1969.

Lewis 1934: W. Lewis, Men Without Art, London 1934.

Lucas 1959: D.W. Lucas, The Greek Tragic Poets, London 1959 (second ed.).

MacNeice 1938: L. MacNeice, Modern Poetry: A Personal Essay, Oxford 1938.

MacNeice 1949: L. MacNeice, Autumn Journal: A poem, London 1949.

MacNeice 1965: L. MacNeice, The Strings Are False, London 1965.

MacNeice 2007: L. MacNeice, Collected Poems, London 2007.

MacNeice 2008: L. MacNeice, The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, London 2008 (first published in 1936, reissued in the Faber Finds-collection).

Malamud 1992: R. Malamud, T.E. Eliot’s Drama: A Research and Production Sourcebook, New York 1992.

Popp 1971: H. Popp, Das Amoibaion, in: W. Jens (ed.), Bauformen der griechischen Tragödie, München 1971, 221–75.

Rose 1963: W.K. Rose, The Letters of Wyndham Lewis, London 1963.

Scott-Kilvert 1954: I.S. Scott-Kilvert, Melpomene in the West, “Times Literary Supplement”

8.1954, 537–538.

Spender 1976: S. Spender, T.S. Eliot, New York 1976.

Stallworthy 1995: J. Stallworthy, Louis MacNeice, London 1995.

Taplin 1977: O. Taplin, The Stagecraft of Aeschylus: The Dramatic Use of Exits and Entrances in Greek Tragedy, Oxford 1977.