An imperative that has been discussed many times: Euripides, Electra 140
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line 140

How to Cite

Seidensticker, B. (2021). An imperative that has been discussed many times: Euripides, Electra 140. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 31(1), 227–234.


The article argues that in line 140 Electra does not address an anonymous servant but herself.
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Sekundäre Literatur

Bain 1981: D. Bain, Masters, Servants and Orders in Greek Tragedy, Manchester 1981.

Basta Donzelli 1978: G. Basta Donzelli, Studio sull’Elettra di Euripide, Catania 1978.

Cropp 1988: M. Cropp, Euripides’ Electra, Warminster 1988.

Denniston 1939: J.D. Denniston, Euripides Electra, ed. with Introduction and Commentary, Oxford 1939.

Distilo 2012: N. Distilo, Commento critico-testuale all’ Elettra di Euripides, Padova 2012.

Dobree 1843 (18832): P.P. Dobree, Adversaria, London 1843 (1883).

Hammond 1984: N.G.L. Hammond, Spectacle and Parody in Euripides’ Electra, „GRBS” 25 1984, 373–87.

Keene 1893: C.H. Keene, The Electra of Euripides, London 1893.

Kovacs 1998: D. Kovacs, Euripides, Suppliant Women, Electra, Heracles, Cambridge (Mass.) – London 1998.

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Paley 1874: F.M. Paley, Euripides, with an English Commentary, vol. II, London 1874.

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Schadewaldt 1926: W. Schadewaldt, Monolog und Selbstgespräch. Untersuchungen zur Formgeschichte der griechischen Tragödie, Berlin 1926.

Spitzbarth 1946: A. Spitzbarth, Untersuchungen zur Spieltechnik der griechischen Tragödie, Zürich 1946.

Stanley-Porter 1973: D.P. Stanley-Porter, Mute Actors in the Tragedies of Euripides, „BICS” 20 (1973), 68–93.

Taplin 1977: O. Taplin, The Stagecraft of Aeschylus. The Dramatic Use of Exits and Entrances in Greek Tragedy, Oxford 1977.

Vahlen 1907: J. Vahlen, De Euripidis Electra, „Opuscula Academica” I (1907), 367–78.

Walton 1980: J.M. Walton, Greek Theatre Practice, Westport–London 1980.

Weil 1869: H. Weil, Sept tragédies d’Euripide, Paris 1868.

Wilamowitz-Moellendorff 1917: T. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Die dramatische Technik des Sophokles, Berlin 1917.

Wilamowitz-Moellendorff 1883: U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Die beiden Elektren, „Hermes” 18 (1883), 214–263.

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