How to say without saying, or vice versa, i.e. problems with the translation of Ovid’s exile elegy Ex P. IV 12
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Epistulae ex Ponto
elegiac distich

How to Cite

Wesołowska, E. (2022). How to say without saying, or vice versa, i.e. problems with the translation of Ovid’s exile elegy Ex P. IV 12. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 32(2), 77–86.

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Aside from its wealth of meaning and contexts, Ovid’s poetry seems to be sometimes difficult to translate into Polish. This paper shows such an extreme situation using the example of Ex P IV 12, where the translator is virtually helpless in the face of the poet’s subtle sense of humor and sophisticated play with a reader on the grounds of the nature of Roman elegiac distich.
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