Variación estilística de la /s/ implosiva en el habla radiofónica de Guayaquil y su percepción social
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/s/-weakening in Spanish
Guayaquil Spanish
linguistic stereotype
Spanish sociophonetics

Jak cytować

Sawicka-Stępińska , B. (2023). Variación estilística de la /s/ implosiva en el habla radiofónica de Guayaquil y su percepción social. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 50(3), 99–111.


The paper analyzes the stylistic variation of implosive /s/ in Guayaquil Spanish. The aim is to verify the sociolinguistic status of /s/-weakening according to Labov’s three-level hierarchy: linguistic indicators, markers, and stereotypes. It is argued that the aspired allophone [h], by representing a clear pattern of stylistic variation, can be qualified as a marker, and since it receives metalinguistic commentary from the speakers, it is also a stereotype in the Guayaquil speech community. The analysis contains a quantitative study of /s/ variation on a corpus of radio speech (CHARG) and a qualitative confrontation of the results with responses gathered in a language attitudes survey.
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El estudio ha sido financiado por el Centro Nacional de Ciencia de Polonia en el mar- co del proyecto 2017/25/N/HS2/00006. Las consultas se realizaron mediante el pro- yecto COLING. Minority Languages, Major Opportunities. Collaborative Research, Community Engagement and Innovative Educational Tools, que recibió financiamien- to del programa Maria Skłodowska-Curie EU (778384) y del Ministerio de Ciencia de Polonia para la implementación de un proyecto internacional co-financiado bajo el No. 4089/H2020/2018/2 en los años 2018-2023


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