Organizzazione spaziale dei gesti semilinguistici nelle comunicazioni italiana e polacca
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Semilinguistic (emblems) gestures
Italian and Polish communication
Spatial organization

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Szarota, B. (2007). Organizzazione spaziale dei gesti semilinguistici nelle comunicazioni italiana e polacca. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 34, 107–117.


The term o f rhetoric has known several senses since its foundation as techne o f persuasion by Aristote. This paper presents the historical reasons o f limitation o f the first rhetorical project into the scholar treaties in n ^ - l i ) 111 centuries. The next question is to explain the revival o f rhetorical tradition with Chaim Perelman Olbrechts-Tyteca Traite de ¡’argumentation focused on the theory o f argumentation and the French “nouvelle critique” focused on linguistics and stylistics. The key-term for both linguistic and philosophic approach o f new rhetoric is a figure o f speech. The author tries to find out if the modern reunified vision o f rhetoric is possible and suitable.
PDF (Italiano)


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