A few remarks on the semantic isotopy
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Semantic isotopy
Interpretative semantics

How to Cite

Florczak, J. (2003). A few remarks on the semantic isotopy. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 30, 51–72. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2003.30.006


The aim of this paper is to present a few theoretical remarks on the concept of semantic isotopy from the point of view of interpretative semantics and to add some exaraples of application of this concept in practice. In the paper we present the basie definitions of semantic isotopy (iso - identity topos - of the topie in several signification units) and describe the main classifications of this concept (systemie and discursive isotopy, intrinsic and extrinsic isotopy and others). We also discuss the fundamental semantic relations in the polyisotopic text on the levels of semes - semantic features, of sememes - words which contain these features and of isotopy of a text - in which different words contain the same semantic feature. Finally we describe the basie interpretational operations that regulate the assignment of significations to words in a context and we propose a strategy of text interpretation oriented on isotopy.

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