'Terminative' vs. 'non-terminative': between oppositions and ambiguities of the categories of tense and aspects (The case of the preterites)
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Preterite Tenses
Imperfect Tenses
Spanish language

How to Cite

Nowikow, W. (2003). ’Terminative’ vs. ’non-terminative’: between oppositions and ambiguities of the categories of tense and aspects (The case of the preterites). Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 30, 123–129. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2003.30.011


The aim of this paper is to specify the properties 'terminative' and 'non-terminative' in their relation to grammatical categories Preterite and Imperfect Tenses in Spanish and Perfective and lmperfective Aspects in Polish. The authour introduces the distinction between 'temporal delimitation' and process conclusion'. The latter implies the first one, but this relation doesn't function „the other way round".

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