On the translation of the infinitive clauses introduced by a perception verb
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infinitive subordinate clause
verbs of perception
linguistic constraints
Eugeniusz Ucherek (University of Wrocław
method of contrastive analysis (French- Polish)

How to Cite

Marsac, F., Ucherek, W., & Dańko, M. (2019). On the translation of the infinitive clauses introduced by a perception verb. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 46(1), 115–136. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2019.461.007


The subject of the study are the infinitive subordinate clauses (ICP). These infinitive structures, introduced by a perception verb like voir (‘see’), regarder (‘watch’), entendre (‘hear’), écouter (‘listen’) and sentir (‘smell’), are composed of two complements: a noun phrase and a verb infinitive (j’entends les oiseaux chanter ‘I hear birds sing’). We are interested in ICP in a French-Polish traductological perspective. As this structure, so widespread in French, is not to be found in Polish, this Slavic language offers at least eight different ways of translating it (observed in the corpora), the most frequent of which turns out to be the jak P (‘as P’) structure (*słyszę ptaki śpiewać/śpiewać ptaki ‘I hear birds sing/I hear sing birds’; słyszę, jak ptaki śpiewają/śpiewają ptaki, literally ‘I hear as birds sing/sing birds’). Even though we regularly come across this linguistic phenomenon in our profession (we teach French to Polish bachelor students), there is one basic issue that intrigues us: how do the translators choose one of the eight available structures in their native language? Are their choices random, or lingustically constrained? To answer this thorny question, we have decided to adopt as a theoretical framework (adapting them to ICP) the research tools proposed by Professor Eugeniusz Ucherek (University of Wrocław, Poland, 1982), who originally constituted a method of contrastive French-Polish analysis of prepositions.
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