Rougir / became red: the linguistic expression of the body language and what it lets to infer in a textual genre
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body language
lexico-syntactic construction
textual genre
verbal aspect

How to Cite

Muryn, T. (2019). Rougir / became red: the linguistic expression of the body language and what it lets to infer in a textual genre. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 46(1), 137–151.


The subject of this article is part of research trying to identify in a textual genre lexico-syntactic constructions with generic markers value. The analysis focuses on the linguistic expression of the manifestation of the blushing body in two textual genres: the detective novel and the romance novel. The aspectual value of these constructions may be related to the textual genre in which they appear because it seems to guide the inferential mechanism in the discovery of implicit information.
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