Tell stories to develop transversal competencies in FLE
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transversal competencies
narrative competence
‘SOI’ integrity
FLE teaching / learning

How to Cite

Blachowska-Szmigiel, M. (2019). Tell stories to develop transversal competencies in FLE. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 46(2), 99–110.


The purpose of this paper is to seek to highlight the usefulness of storytelling skills for the development of transversal competencies in the context of FLE teaching / learning in Romance philology at Adam Mickiewicz University. As a first step we define the importance of transversal competencies in developing the general communicative competence of the student as a participant in social life, then we go on to describe narrative competence as transversal competence and to show its role in managing the ‘SOI’ integrity, finally, we concentrate on developing narrative competence on Roman philology at Adam Mickiewicz University.
PDF (Français (France))


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