Franz Schubert in Màrius Torres
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Franz Schubert
Màrius Torres

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Carbó, F. (2021). Franz Schubert in Màrius Torres. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 48(3), 19–34.


This study reviews the presence of the composer Franz Schubert in five poems by Màrius Torres. These texts were written between 1933 and 1938, while Torres consolidated and evolved as a poet. The writer from Lleida performed musical scores with the piano and the Austrian composer, through his Lieder, became a model, something that is evident in the different ways in which transtextuality is present, not only between the songs’ lyrics and Torres’ poems, but also between the musical compositions and these same poems. This study analyzes how, on the one hand, Schubert’s Lieder “Der Erlkönig” and “Der Tod und das Mädchen”, with texts by Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Matthias Claudius respectively, work as a starting point – or hypotext – for three poems by the Catalan poet, “El rei dels verns”, “La Mort i el Jove” and “Paraules de la Mort”, thus converted into hypertexts. On the other hand, Torres’ two poems “Adverbis de Schubert” and “Mai” refer to the Austrian composer from the intertextual relationship with the poem “Jamais” by Alfred de Musset. At the same time Torres mentions Schubert and the Lied “Ständchen” with text by Ludwig Rellstab in “Adverbis de Schubert”, but the Catalan poet hides Schubert’s copresence in “Mai”.
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