Interlingual operation of humorous memes: between creation, interpretation and translation
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Internet memes
intersemiotic translation
humorous communication

How to Cite

Szeflińska-Baran, M. . (2021). Interlingual operation of humorous memes: between creation, interpretation and translation. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 48(4), 21–34.


The article focuses on the multisemiotic functioning of Internet memes in communication through the web, focused, among other things, on a humorous effect. The role of the image, first of all, in the creation of the Internet meme and also in its re-application in a multicultural and interlingual environment seems fundamental. This iconic element is part of the large and varied number of relationships with other types of signs (linguistic, cultural, discursive). It seems that the question of the typological diversity of image-text relations (in the very broad sense of it) can be addressed from a variety of perspectives that involve not only a philosophy of translation, but also an approach to humorous communication on the Internet. The article aims to analyse the nature of the relationship that unites an iconic element with a linguistic element that constitutes the essence of the message conveyed by internet memes.
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