Communicative needs in L1 as a source of sociolinguistic mistakes in foreign language among beginning students of Romance philology
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Zając, J. (2011). Communicative needs in L1 as a source of sociolinguistic mistakes in foreign language among beginning students of Romance philology. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 38(2), 5–17.


Speaking foreign language does not imply only mastering its lexical and morphosyntactic code, but, more importantly, learning to conceptualize differently the world around us. One of major sources of deviations in L2 is due to a very poor mastery of conventional structures (formulaic competence), an incorrect linguistic profiling and the confusion between the synthetic and analytical character of the L1 and the L2 (here Polish and French). Beginners in Romance philology often fall into a trap when trying to verbalize in a written form their communicative intentions. We propose here to analyze their sociolinguistic and sociocultural mistakes in order to imagine a course of remedial teaching.
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