Developing media and information literacy education to improve foreign language learning : working with Internet resources at advanced levels
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Górecka, J. (2011). Developing media and information literacy education to improve foreign language learning : working with Internet resources at advanced levels. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 38(2), 47–60.


The aim of the paper is to discuss the relevance of media and information education in language learning at advanced levels. The present paper is based on the empirical data obtained during the action-research conducted with the Romance philology students attending the course of French as a foreign language. The main object of the research is to establish to what degree an oral argumentation task, preceded by the task of planning the discussion on Wiki is considered to be a learning situation by students themselves. The research focuses on a selected aspect of the learning process, namely, on the use of media resources while negotiating the discussion outline and specifically, while negotiating its topic, objectives and its cognitive value. The principal conclusions indicate 1) that the task scenario should be based on the critical and dialogical approach to media and 2) that this kind of instruction can reinforce the argumentative dimension of the discussion.
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