The concept of the grotesque - aesthetic and theoretic foundation
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Cofan, A. (2009). The concept of the grotesque - aesthetic and theoretic foundation. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 36, 165–177.


In the following paper, The concept of the grotesque - aesthetic and theoretic foundation, we are interested in reconstructing the aesthetic identity of the grotesque. This is a difficult task since the grotesque can be recreated like a puzzle from at least two different aesthetics: the ugly (the hideous, the horrible, the monstruous) and the humorous (the sinister, the macabre, the black humour). Afterwards, by examining the relation between the grotesque and different eras and literary movements, we will show that the grotesque is after all an aesthetic category which belongs to some revolutionary and modern artistic knowledge. In essence, beyond the difficulty to circumscribe and define the grotesque, we have identified three of its invariants: polymorphism, contradiction and excess.
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