Shapes of the Romanian Cultural Self between the Mastership of the Mind and the “Romanias” in Romania
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How to Cite

Ivancu, E. (2009). Shapes of the Romanian Cultural Self between the Mastership of the Mind and the “Romanias” in Romania. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 36, 179–192.


The paper Shapes of the Romanian Cultural Self between the Mastership of the Mind and the "Romanias " in Romania aims at analysing the cultural Selves of three of the most important Romanian contemporary intellectuals - Gabriel Liiceanu, Andrei Pleșu, Horia-Roman Patapievici - as they are shaped in some of their memorialistic and essayistic works, and the possible relations and connections these Selves can have with the many “Romanias” existing today.
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