The body we have got, the body we are. About the corporeity in the Margaret Mazzantini’s novel
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How to Cite

Kornacka, B. (2009). The body we have got, the body we are. About the corporeity in the Margaret Mazzantini’s novel. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 36, 205–226.


The article titled The body we have got, the body we are. About the corporeity in Margaret Mazzantini’s novel treats the phenomenon of corporeity mentioned in the title in a text of the contemporary Italian writer. There are three main aspects of this problem. First, the language connected with the body (descriptions of the look, statements of the body, physiology, erotic life). The next subject is the relationship body-identity. Finally, there is the sense of smell emphasized in the narration, which has a symbolic meaning as well.
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