English-French contrastive approach to science fictional lexical creativity
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science fiction
lexical creation
contrastive analysis
morphosyntactic structure

How to Cite

Ray, A. (2023). English-French contrastive approach to science fictional lexical creativity. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 49(4), 125–143. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2022.494.008


Imaginary genres have always played with language and lexicon in order to build their worlds. The science fiction genre, in particular, creates a lexicon on the borderline between literary creation and scientific and technical terminology so the stories can be framed elsewhere or in the future. The translation of these invented words can be a real challenge for translators because of their very nature as hybrids, but also because of the science fictional megatext. The translation treatment from English into French of these neologisms, known as “fiction terms”, shows different strategies of lexical (re)creation. Following a terminological approach, this paper presents a contrastive analysis of lexical creation strategies and morpho- syntactic structures between the two languages on a list of science fictional terms from the audiovisual field and extracted from a corpus of science fiction novels.

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