L'oralità dans la communication asynchrone via Internet sur les exemples du discours du cyberespace français et italien
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Pirogowska, E. (2006). L’oralità dans la communication asynchrone via Internet sur les exemples du discours du cyberespace français et italien. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 33, 181–197. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2006.33.014


The aim of the article (based on the ffragments of the doctoral dissertation) was the analysis of the spoken language functioning in the Italian and French cyberspace as a communication system secondary to the oral skills (orality) of the first human groups. The thesis is the following: in the electronic communication the two language uses, the written and the spoken, cannot be treated separately, as a dichotomy, as they coexist and are connected by one common code, "work" language, Computer Mediated Communication. The communication presented is devoted to the conversational analysis of discourse in the asynchronous communication, the dialogue exchange on forums and discussion groups. The notion-keys are as follows: asynchrony of dialogue microspace, inter-subjective space, sequential implicativness, conversational strategy.
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