Microgenetic analysis of the teaching-learning process of translation Report from an ongoing research
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microgenesis situated

How to Cite

Ortiz Lovillo, M. del P. (2014). Microgenetic analysis of the teaching-learning process of translation Report from an ongoing research. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 41(1), 101–118. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2014.411.007


The following paper describes the microgenetic analysis of the translation process of 'Le Petit Chaperon Rouge' carried out by six students during the Translation Seminar of Scientific and Literary Texts and its Didactics, instructed at the Institute of Research in Education of the University of Veracruz. This article’s purpose is to demonstrate the process which was carried out during the microgenetic analysis, as well as to give an initial report of its results and the advantages that this kind of analysis could represent for the translation teaching-learning process. Furthermore, we describe the computer program called El Espía, which enabled us to explore thoroughly and automatically the students’ translation process, in order to identify learning scenarios and carried out a microgenetic analysis.
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