The problem and treatment of sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic competence in the ELE class from a novel approach
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communicative competence
sociolinguistic competence
pragmatic competence
Spanish teaching

How to Cite

Spychała-Wawrzyniak , M., & Barros Díez , E. (2023). The problem and treatment of sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic competence in the ELE class from a novel approach. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 50(3), 113–123.


The purpose of our article is to analyze the main differences between sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic competence, integrated within communicative competence. Firstly, we will try to define, characterize, and exemplify the tools inherent to sociolinguistic competence in comparison with pragmatic competence. We will present that courtesy formulas in language teaching should be included within the pragmatic competence and not sociolinguistic as it has been done usually. To do this, we will use the multilingual competence on which the CEFR-CV (2020) places considerable emphasis. Likewise, the concepts of sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences will be explained taking as a starting point the components of communicative competence which, in turn, encompasses intercultural competences. On the other hand, we will also deal with the role and challenges of the intercultural speaker as a mediator  of pragmatic, sociolinguistic and sociocultural meanings. In the last part of the article, we will focus on the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language (hereinafter ELE), specifically, on the development of communicative competence from a sociolinguistic and pragmatic perspective. We will analyze some ELE manuals to reflect on and show the work proposals related to pragmatic and sociolinguistic knowledge (especially at level A1) carried out by their authors.
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