Le « langage inclusif » et le renforcement des liens identitaires dans les discours de fin d’année des présidents de Catalogne
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New Year’s Eve speeches
inclusive language
women’s visibility
generic masculine gender
Catalan language

Jak cytować

Pawłowska, M. (2024). Le « langage inclusif » et le renforcement des liens identitaires dans les discours de fin d’année des présidents de Catalogne. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 51(1), 125–137. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2024.51.1.9


The aim of this article is to analyze a selection of New Year’s Eve speeches delivered by the presidents of Catalonia in terms of the presence of so-called “inclusive language”. The examined texts all date from the past fifteen years (2008-2022), so they were delivered after the enactment of the Organic Law 3/2007 on the effective equality of women and men. The choice of Catalonia as the subject of this study is particularly interesting due to socio-political circumstances surrounding this period, such as the economic crisis, the referendum on the independence, the suspension of autonomy and the imprisonment of proindependence leaders. Therefore, while the speeches analyzed will undoubtedly emphasize the strengthening of identity and belonging, it is also relevant to examine whether these discourses reflect the use of linguistic means aimed at emphasizing the presence of women.

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