Introduction to the special issue on English medium instruction: Areas of research needing urgent attention



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Macaro , E., & Rose , H. (2023). Introduction to the special issue on English medium instruction: Areas of research needing urgent attention. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 13(2), 257–269.

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English medium instruction (EMI), both in higher and secondary education, is now a well-established field of education research and, indeed, many applied linguistics journals are publishing regularly on a variety of EMI topics. Recently, a new journal, Journal of English-Medium Instruction, has been established that is dedicated entirely to this area of academic enquiry. Recent years have also seen several special issues emerge on topics within EMI in journals such as Applied Linguistics Review (published advanced online), System (in 2023), and TESOL Quarterly (in 2018).


An, J., Macaro, E., & Childs, A. (2021). Classroom interaction in EMI high schools: Do teachers who are native speakers of English make a difference? System, 98, 102482. DOI:

An, J., & Thomas, N. (2021). Students’ beliefs about the role of interaction for science learning and language learning in EMI science classes: Evidence from high schools in China. Linguistics and Education, 65, 100972. DOI:

Barone, C., & Assirelli, G. (2020). Gender segregation in higher education: An empirical test of seven explanations. Higher Education, 79, 55-78. DOI:

Block, D., & Moncada-Comas, B. (2022). English-medium instruction in higher education and the ELT gaze: STEM lecturers’ self-positioning as NOT English language teachers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(2), 401-417. DOI:

Chang, D. F. (2018). Effects of higher education expansion on gender parity: A 65-year trajectory in Taiwan. Higher Education, 76(3), 449-466. DOI:

Chin, C. (2007). Teacher questioning in science classrooms: Approaches that stimulate productive thinking. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(6), 815-843. DOI:

Dafouz, E., & Smit, U. (2014). Towards a dynamic conceptual framework for English-medium education in multilingual university settings. Applied Linguistics, 37(3), 397-415. DOI:

Dafouz, E., & Mar Camacho-Miñano, M. (2016). Exploring the impact of English-medium instruction on university student academic achievement: The case of accounting. English for Specific Purposes, 44, 57-67. DOI:

Galloway, N., & Rose, H. (2021). English medium instruction and the English language practitioner. ELT Journal, 75(1), 33-41. DOI:

Graham, K. M., Choi, Y., Davoodi, A., Razmeh, S., & Dixon, L. Q. (2018). Language and content outcomes of CLIL and EMI: A systematic review. Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 11(1), 19-37. DOI:

Hua, T.-L. (2020). Understanding the learning challenges of English-medium instruction learners and ways to facilitate their learning: A case study of Taiwan psychology students’ perspectives. Latin American Journal of content and Language Integrated Learning, 12(2), 321-340. DOI:

Hong, J. (2022). A study of language-related episodes in online English-medium instruction classes in high schools in South Korea. English for Specific Purposes, 67, 65-75. DOI:

Hong, J., & Basturkmen, H. (2020). Incidental attention to academic language during content teaching in two EMI classes in South Korean high schools. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 48, 100921. DOI:

Kamaşak, R., Sahan, K., & Rose, H. (2021). Academic language-related challenges at an English-medium university. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 49, 100945. DOI:

Kuchah, K. (2016). English-medium instruction in an English-French bilingual setting: Issues of quality and equity in Cameroon. Comparative Education, 52(3), 311-327. DOI:

Lasagabaster, D. (2016). The relationship between motivation, gender, L1 and possible selves in English-medium instruction. International Journal of Multilingualism, 13(3), 315-332. DOI:

Lo, Y. Y., & Macaro, E. (2012). The medium of instruction and classroom inter-action: Evidence from Hong Kong secondary schools. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15(1), 29-52. DOI:

Macaro, E. (2018). English medium instruction: Language and content in policy and practice. Oxford University Press.

Macaro, E., Curle, S., Pun, J., An, J., & Dearden, J. (2018). A systematic review of English medium instruction in higher education. Language Teaching, 51(1), 36-76. DOI:

Macaro, E, & Akincioglu, M. (2018). Turkish university students’ perceptions about English medium instruction: Exploring year group, gender and university type as variables. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39(3), 256-270. DOI:

Macaro, E., Briggs Baffoe-Djan, J., Rose, H, di Sabato, B., Hughes, B., Cuccurullo, D., Coonan, C-M., Menegale, M., & Bier, A. (2019). Transition from secondary school CLIL to EMI at university: Initial evidence from research in Italy. The British Council.

Macaro, E. Sahan, K., & Rose, H. (2021). The profiles of English medium instruction teachers in higher education. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. DOI:

Macaro, E., Di Sabato, B., & Lo, Y-Y. (forthcoming). Transition from secondary school CLIL to tertiary EMI: Theories and realities. In P. Romanowski & M.-L. Perez-Cañado (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of multilingual education. Cambridge University Press.

Milligan, L. O. (2022). Towards a social and epistemic justice approach for exploring the injustices of English as a medium of instruction in basic education. Educa-tional Review, 74(5), 927-941. DOI:

Murphy, V., Arndt, H., Briggs Baffoe-Djan, J., Chalmers, H., Macaro, E., Rose, H., Vanderplank, R., & Woore, R. (2020). Foreign language learning and its impact on wider academic outcomes: A rapid evidence assessment. EEF.

Pecorari, D., & H. Malmström (2018). At the crossroads or TESOL and English medium instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 52(1), 497-515. DOI:

Rubio-Alcalá, F. D., Arco-Tirado, J. L., Fernandez-Martin, F. D., López-Lechuga, R., Barrios, E., & Pavon-Vazquez, V. (2019). A systematic review on evidences supporting quality indicators of bilingual, plurilingual and multi-lingual programs in higher education. Educational Research Review, 27, 191-204. DOI:

Rose, H., S. Curle, I. Aizawa, & Thompson, G. (2020). What drives success in English medium taught courses? The interplay between language proficiency, academic skills, and motivation. Studies in Higher Education, 45(11), 2149-2161. DOI:

Soruç, A., & Griffiths, C. (2018). English as a medium of instruction: Students’ strategies. ELT Journal, 72(1), 38-48. DOI:

Thompson, G., Aizawa, I., Curle, S., & Rose, H. (2019). Exploring the role of self-efficacy beliefs and learner success in English medium instruction. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(1), 196-209. DOI:

Upadhaya, A., & Sah, P. K. (2019). Education, English language, and girls’ development: Exploring gender-responsive policies and practices in Nepal. In S. Douglas (Ed.), Creating an inclusive school environment (pp. 105-114). British Council.

Uworwabayeho, A., Milligan, L. O., & Kuchah, K. (2021). Mapping the emergence of a gender gap in English in Rwandan primary and secondary schools. Issues in Educational Research, 31(4), 1312-1329.

Wang, Y., Yu, S., & Shao, Y. (2018). The experiences of Chinese mainland stu-dents with English-medium instruction in a Macau University. Educational Studies, 44(3), 357-360. DOI:

Williams, D. G. (2015). A systematic review of English medium instruction (EMI) and implications for the South Korean higher education context., 1-23.

Zhou, S., & Rose, H. (2021). Self-regulated listening of students at transition from high school to an English medium instruction (EMI) transnational university in China. System, 103, 102644. DOI:

Zhou, S., & Thompson, G. (2023). Exploring role of English proficiency, self-efficacy, and motivation in listening for learners transitioning to an English-medium transnational university in China. System, 113, 102998. DOI:

Xie, W., & Curle, S. (2022). Success in English medium instruction in China: Significant indicators and implications. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(2), 585-597. DOI: