Review of Positive psychology in second language acquisition; Editors: Peter D. MacIntyre, Tammy Gregersen, Sarah Mercer; Publisher: Multilingual Matters, 2016; ISBN: 9781783095346; Pages: 388

How to Cite

Gabryś-Barker, D. (2016). Review of Positive psychology in second language acquisition; Editors: Peter D. MacIntyre, Tammy Gregersen, Sarah Mercer; Publisher: Multilingual Matters, 2016; ISBN: 9781783095346; Pages: 388. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 6(3), 541–546.

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Book review


Gabryś-Barker, D., & Gałajda, D. (2016). Preface. In D. Gabryś-Barker & D., Gałajda, (Eds.), Positive psychology perspectives on foreign language learning and teaching (pp. vii-viii). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

MacIntyre, P., & Gregersen, T. (Eds.). (2014). Positive psychology [Special issue]. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4(2).

Sheldon, K., Frederikson, B., Rathunde, K., Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Haidt, J. (2000, January). Positive psychology manifesto. Manifesto presented at the Akumal 1 meeting (1999) and revised at the Akumal 2 meeting, Akumal, Mexico.