Affective and situational correlates of foreign language proficiency: A study of Chinese university learners of English and Japanese


teacher support
student affiliation
foreign language anxiety
foreign language proficiency

How to Cite

Jin, Y., de Bot, K., & Keijzer, M. (2017). Affective and situational correlates of foreign language proficiency: A study of Chinese university learners of English and Japanese. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 7(1), 105–125.

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The study explores the effects of teacher support and student cohesiveness on foreign language (FL) learning outcomes and compares their effect with that of FL anxiety. One hundred and forty-six first-year Chinese undergraduates of Japanese, who were also learning English, participated in two surveys that were administered over a 2-month interval. Data were collected using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986), the Teacher Support Scale (Trickett & Moos, 2002), the Affiliation Scale (Trickett & Moos, 2002), the English Proficiency Scale, and the Japanese Proficiency Scale. It was found that (a) student cohesiveness was a positive predictor of FL proficiency, (b) teacher support, which was positively related to student cohesiveness and negatively to FL anxiety, did not show a direct relationship with FL proficiency, and (c) FL anxiety, which was negatively associated with FL proficiency, showed a better predictive power than student cohesiveness and teacher support.


The Graduate School for the Humanities

University of Groningen

China Scholarship Council


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