Формальные и семантические сближения в сфере русско-польской межъязыковой омонимии
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interlingual homonymy
interlingual contacts
semantic divergence
phonetic convergence
semantic relationships

Jak cytować

Kusal, K. . (2021). Формальные и семантические сближения в сфере русско-польской межъязыковой омонимии. Studia Rossica Posnaniensia, 46(1), 101–114. https://doi.org/10.14746/strp.2021.46.1.8

Liczba wyświetleń: 286

Liczba pobrań: 370


This article deals with the issue of structural and semantic relationships in the area of Russian-Polish interlingual homonymy, such as exclusion, inclusion, and hybridization. The analysis of Russian-Polish homonymous doublets made it possible to specify two basic reasons for the differences in meaning of the lexemes in both languages: semantic divergence of the words with a common etymon (disintegration of polysemy) and phonetic convergence. The study revealed that interlanguage Russian-Polish correspondences with a partial coincidence of lexical meanings make up the largest group of interlanguage homo-pairs. The types of semantic relations described at the word level do not exhaust the variety of semantic relations between Russian-Polish interlanguage homonyms. The depth of meaning development is another theoretical problem of modern lexicology and lexicography. In addition to the semantic differences between Russian-Polish homo-pairs, there may be more complex relationships. They are observed in cases where stylistic and functional discrepancies are layered on semantic inconsistencies. The differences in pragmatic significance are the most significant and can form the subject of independent study.

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