Валентин Распутин и Григор Тютюнник: рефлексы „времени подростка”

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Nariwskaja, W. (2018). Валентин Распутин и Григор Тютюнник: рефлексы „времени подростка”. Studia Rossica Posnaniensia, (37), 195–206. извлечено от https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/strp/article/view/12732


The phenomenon of “the time of teenager” in the literature is investigated in the article. The key characteristics of the teenager as a literary type and its genesis in Russian, Ukrainian and foreign literature are allocated. The existential poetics of the image of a teenager in Valentine Rasputin’s story, French Lessons, and Grygor Tiutiunnyk’s stories Death of the Gentleman and The Ovary is analyzed.