The ministry of lay theologians in the Church (theological-dogmatic perspective)
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lay theologian
ministry in the Church
the communion of saints

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Parzych-Blakiewicz, K. (2022). The ministry of lay theologians in the Church (theological-dogmatic perspective). Teologia I Moralność, 17(2(32), 47–57.


The article deals with the question of the ministry and identity of the lay theologian. They are presented in a dogmatic perspective, formed on the concept of the Church according to Vaticanum II.The aim of the study of the selected issue is to complement the state of research formed from studies of various specialities with a theological-systematic reflection. The differences and similarities between lay and clerical theologians were discussed as well as the ecclesial potential of the ministry of the lay theologian. The conclusions pointed to the meaning of this ministry in the activity of the Church ad extra. This ministry involves ensuring that the idea of the kingdom of God and God's will for the sanctification of every human being is realised in all spheres of human life and action.
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