Practice of euthanasia in Belgium as an fruit of social and civil changes
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minor patients
declaration of intent
moral theology

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Derdziuk, M. (2018). Practice of euthanasia in Belgium as an fruit of social and civil changes. Teologia I Moralność, 12(2(22), 163–177.


The Belgian act legalising euthanasia was passed on 28th May 2002 and was amended on 28th February 2014. The new law has made euthanasia accessible to minors without age restrictions and is an innovation which violates basic Christian values. But openness to the killing of innocent lives might be the beginning of society's self-destruction. It is a dangerous thought that minors, who are limited in their rights because of their immaturity, are allowed to choose destruction of the greatest gift: life itself. This is fruit of social and civil changes and specially consequence of process of secularization.

A rapid increase of euthanasia applications of patients with certain conditions and who fear losing consciousness, raises questions about the future and safeguarding. The current situation may actually infuse people with fear and insecurity. There is also a question of trust in doctors, who under Belgian law may bring death in the name of providing healthcare. A doctor may only proceed with the performance of euthanasia in accordance with certain procedures, but many times procedures are violated and lives are endangered.
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