At the beginning ecology was a branch of science dealing with relations and interactions between organisms, the results of which did not attract any particular interest. This was changed when cultural ecology started to boom in the 1960s. In the 1970s ecology became a form of defiance against the technological and industrial revolution.
New plans (projects) of ecological salvation for the planet earth (natural environment and not necessarily a human being) have been incorporated into religion, politics and biology. Not surprisingly, these plans face criticism from the Christian point of view as they obscure the truth about a human being. Firstly, eco-religious trends like New Age (1), then political trends, which are symbolized in the Greens (2) and finally biological trends, which were discussed in the example of The Extended Phenotype have been critically analyzed.
In the summary, the author one more time emphasized the meaning and importance of anthropological principle for all solutions in ecology. According to this principle, the meaning of the world lies in the human being; existence of the world is “existence for the human being”. This is the final meaning of the creation of the world and mankind included in Genesis (Chapters 1-2).
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