Ecological spirituality is – strongly taking into account and stressing the relationship with the world – the realization of communion of a man with God. A Christian characterized by ecological spirituality, in his pursuit of holiness, will focus on the consequences of man's encounter with Jesus in relations with the surrounding world. Pope Francis dedicated the last, sixth chapter of the Encyclical Laudato si to ecological spirituality.
The author of the presentation has divided the whole issue into two parts. In the first one he pointed to the biblical, theological and practical motives for the need of ecological spirituality, in the second one he presented its fruits and consequences. In the summary of the research he emphasized the importance of ecological spirituality for the man’s sake and safety. The study carried out entitles the author to conclude that the adoption of a lifestyle that results from ecological spirituality, promotes health of both soul and body. Such a way of life has therefore not only a temporal value, but also it reaches much deeper: it opens the life of a man to a perspective of supernatural, eternal life.References
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