The text addresses two main issues. The first is a way of understanding the upbringing in the spirit of Paul VI's Humane Vitae encyclical; the second is the conditions that contemporary culture creates for such education.
In the light of the discussed encyclical, education includes upbringing to conveying life in accordance with the moral principles and upbringing based on an integral vision of a human being and his development. These areas are closely interrelated and mutually conditioned.
In the text, the author considers the second area. Analyzing education in accordance with the integral vision of a human being, she interprets it in a personal way in the light of the HV encyclical. She distinguishes, next to upbringing to respecting and realizing human dignity and values connected with it, attitudes that are necessary to realize personal values (attitude of selflessness, responsibility and service).
The second part of the text is devoted to the assessment of the conditions that contemporary culture creates for upbringing of an integral human being. The final part contains conclusions for education in the spirit of the HV encyclical.
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