Truth occupies an important place in human life, and man himself is called to discover its fullness. Questions about the truth and its nature already appeared in antiquity and were on minds of the most eminent philosophers and later they wandered with the whole consequence through the ages towards modernity. The question of truth is also present in the teaching of the Catholic Church.
The current debate in reference to the concept of truth in its objective meaning can be formulated differently. In a diverse and multifaceted structure, a person needs to encounter his identity and pass through conceptual degradation in order to find clear signs which will show him the right direction of acting and make him able to accept reality in its deepest dimension. In this sense, truth appears as a condition sine qua non for the people who want to live their lives according to the requirements of the Gospel.
The following article attempts to approximate the reality of truth in its moral perspective based on the life and works of an outstanding theologian, John Henry Newman. He is a character who should be seen as one of the greatest thinkers of the 19th century, an exceptional writer and a great scholar. The life of this great man was filled with the love of truth, which many researchers understand in the category of passion, emphasizing a special kind of disposition directed towards the truth. Whoever reaches for his academic works and looks at his intellectual output recognizes him as an ardent disciple of truth who loved truth above all else. The fascinating history of the faith and courage of the English convert has become a determinant of all decisions he makes, and he himself is still an inspiration for everybody who wants to form their lives based on the foundation of the Truth.
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