Christians can find themselves in the modern world and actively influence their future, fulfilling their vocation only with the foundation in a particular spirituality. It is spirituality which can most generally be denominated ‘baptismal spirituality’. Making use of Paul's dichotomy: the old man and the new man; death and resurrection, a dynamic notion of the new man's spiritually is emerging. It focuses on the novelty of Christ and the new life of which He is the source. The novelty of the life of a baptized is based on a direct, full of excitement yet never satisfied, relation between man and Christ, who is present and active in the Church. The spirituality of the new man is organic because its integrity is multifaceted, as it encompasses the spirituality of: the Cross, the Resurrection, the death and the new life, submission to the Holy Spirit, prayer, and also missionary and anthropological one, as well as it falls within ecclesiology, trinitology, and eschatology. That is why such comprehension of the spirituality of the new man constitutes an innovative contribution to adequate perception of Christian spirituality.References
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