The family and new evangelization
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„The Gospel of the family”
new evangelization
family’s identity
communion of persons (communio personarum)
traditional family
theology of the body
gift of self.

How to Cite

Melina, L. (2015). The family and new evangelization. Teologia I Moralność, 10(1(17), 169–180.


The term „The Gospel of the family” inspired by the teaching of John Paul II includes two dimensions: the first one shows what the Scripture says about marriage and family; the second one focuses on a fact that the Christian family itself is a bearer of the Good News, provided that it is a witness to love and it goes ahead of any other signs or apostolic actions. In this way family, as a place of teaching the human person to love and to live in a communion of persons, is able to take up challenges brought by postmodernism: individualism, privatization of love, disconnect between sexuality and procreation, emotional illiteracy. New evangelization directed towards family and penetrating the family, has to give the response to a postmodern age, offering two ways: to give a testimony that the phenomenon, meeting and the communion with the living God and human dominates any sort of intellectual arguments or tradition as well as to propose a “principle” of  family life which assumes two other beliefs: that there is no principle without spirituality and that there is no adequate spirituality without relations in the communion of persons.
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