Looking at the panorama of the modern world, one can come to the conclusion that the man of the twenty-first century carries deep in his interior a serious identity crisis. Among the many reasons for this state of affairs, undoubtedly one of them is that man has forgotten about the role of conscience as a factor that regulates and points to the reality of Truth, to which man should form his life.
Recalling a reflection discussed among the Council Fathers gathered during Vaticanum II, it appears to be a valuable contribution to the contemporary debate over the identity of man, especially when it comes to the role of conscience and the duty of fidelity to its dictates. A significant contribution to the development of this conciliar concept of conscience is provided by a man, who specializes in literature, referred to as the Father of the Second Vatican Council, namely John Henry Newman. Newman, the invisibile peritus of the Second Vatican Council, which is also called Newman’s Council, is said by some commentators to have been raised to the dignity of Doctor of conscience. Unfortunately, the ideas contained in the teachings of the Cardinal, which found its fulfillment in the conciliar document Gaudium et spes, still have a problem breaking into the consciousness of the twenty-first century man.
This study tackles the question of the duty of fidelity to conscience in view of the teaching of John Henry Newman and Gaudium et spes. Its aim is to show a significant and identical line, which can be seen between the thoughts of the Cardinal and the teachings of the Council with regard to the discussed issues. In the age of the identity crisis of modern man, recalling the fundamental teaching of conscience seems to be a valuable voice in contemporary moral debate and an important indication for today's man.
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