The importance of reflectivity in education on the example of Ignatian pedagogy
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Ignatian pedagogy
Ignatian model of upbringing
experience, educational space

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Chrost, M. (2021). The importance of reflectivity in education on the example of Ignatian pedagogy. Teologia I Moralność, 16(1(29), 61–73.


Reflectivity is an important competence of both the educator, teacher and tutor, as well as the learner, pupil. Reflectiveness is the readiness of people working in the educational space to reflect, ponder and analyze. Reflectiveness allows to depart from patterns, enter into oneself and at the same time go beyond oneself, never stop looking for new ways and solutions, and look critically at the achieved goals. Reflectiveness contributes to building the human layer of experience, which becomes the basis for cognition and understanding of the world.

In the context of the challenges faced by modern man in connection with technological, information and globalization civilization, it is necessary to develop the ability to reflectivity, especially in education. Therefore, the next stage of considerations will be the analysis of the issue of reflectivity in the context of Ignatian pedagogy, dating back to the 16th century, but newly formulated and articulated in documents developed in the 1980s. On their basis, the Ignatian model of upbringing proposed to contemporary educational institutions and its components will be discussed: context - experience - reflection - action - evaluation. Each of these five elements is important, and integrated with each other, they influence the dynamics of Ignatian pedagogy. The role of reflection will be shown, which in the Ignatian pedagogy model is an element enabling growth and development. This reflection is fully mature only if it leads a person to make a decision and commitment, that is, to action. Reflection understood in this way is a way of proceeding that allows for the integral formation of the pupil. Finally, postulates for practice and education are presented relating to stimulating and developing an attitude of reflection in pupils.
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