For many years, World Youth Day has been one of the largest youth ministry initiatives in the Church. Each edition of this event touches on new problems and challenges of the young generation. In the article, the author briefly presents the history of World Youth Day and analyzes the content of Pope Francis’ messages for 2020-2022 in order to find a guiding thought for the preparation of the Lisbon edition of this meeting. The article uses the method of analysis and synthesis and the comparative method. From the papal messages analyzed below, it is clear that the time in which the upcoming World Youth Day is organized is a very difficult period for the world and the Universal Church. After all, the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have left a powerful mark on the way modern man experiences everyday life. Comparing the content of the various messages, one can also conclude that Pope Francis is well aware of the life situation of the youngest generation, looking for a way to solve the various challenges and problems facing young people.
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