The subject of the study is the cult of the Immaculate Mary, who is the personification of the theological virtue of hope. Particular consideration was given to the Marian sanctuary in Górka Klasztorna, where the oldest revelation of the Mother of God on Polish soil took place in 1079. The purpose of the study is to synthetically discuss the content of the scientific texts included in the publication “There is hope, because there is Immaculate”. To achieve the goal, the method of analysis of the content of the texts and the method of synthesis were used. The research conducted allows us to present conclusions: Górka Klasztorna is the site of the oldest apparition of the Mother of God in the Polish lands, and the sanctuary erected there was entrusted in 1923 to the pastoral care of the Congregation of Missionaries of the Holy Family, founded in 1895 in Grave in the Netherlands by the Servant of God, Father Jan Berthier (1840-1908). The activities of the missionaries in Górka Klasztorna also place in the context of the dramatic events of the 20th century. The cult of Mary has a biblical and liturgical basis. The Immaculate is the image of the new man. Her person and participation in the work of salvation is the content of the sermons and teachings of prominent theologians and pastors, as exemplified by Anthony of Padua, John Berthier, Joseph Kentenich. In Christian iconography, the characteristic types of representations of Mary are known, which are discussed using examples of selected paintings. A theological interpretation of the image from Monastery Hill is also given. Mary Immaculate is an important foundation of Christian hope and a model to be presented in catechesis for adults on the themes of eternal life and eschatological issues.
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