Non-verbal communication behavior of a family therapist as a non-specific treatment factor
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nonverbal communication
attitude of therapist
nonspecific treating factor

How to Cite

Sikorski, W. (2024). Non-verbal communication behavior of a family therapist as a non-specific treatment factor. Teologia I Moralność, 19(2(36), 283–294.


The aim of this elaboration is to determine the importance of non-verbal communication behaviors of a family therapist in creating credibility and self-confidence, arousing sympathy, empathy and interpersonal attractiveness as nonspecific healing factors. Based on the literature analysis, it was established that the use of signals communicating non-verbal directness may be helpful in demonstrating these attitudes. The main conclusions resulting from the considerations contained in this work indicate thatfamily therapists who use honest and frank gestures are perceived as a more efficient than therapists who prefer using nonverbal behaviour showing less straightforwardness. Therapists working with the family using gestures of frankness are not only given more sympathy by patients, but they are also perceived as a more authentic, competent ones and having the ability to understand better the feelings and emotions of family members. Such an approach to the contact with them can make psychotherapy sessions more interactive and increase their satisfaction with participation in therapy.
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