Facilitation of Changes, within the Psychical and Spiritual Domain (Empirical Verification at Living-Learning Workshops)
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Living- Learning
Ruth Cohn

How to Cite

Szopiński, J., & Drobot, P. (2011). Facilitation of Changes, within the Psychical and Spiritual Domain (Empirical Verification at Living-Learning Workshops). Teologia I Moralność, 6(2(10), 213–228. https://doi.org/10.14746/tim.2011.10.2.13


The method of work is the TCI- Living Learning, a useful pedagogical model that enables introduction of realistic changes in the process of group teaching. Teaching is focused on participants' needs and interactions between them within a real situational context. In order to briefly characterize the specificity of this method of work we need to respect and take into consideration the strength, experience, talents, and capabilities of all the participants. The aim of the workshop is help in overcoming individual crises and barriers which stand in the way of harmonious functioning in the family and professional environment. The final change is not limited to the elimination of symptoms but is connected with giving the cured person a feeling of fulfillment and peace.
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