Complementary Actions of the Family and Community towards Upbringing
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principle of subsidiarity
economy of upbringing

How to Cite

Urbaniak, A. (2012). Complementary Actions of the Family and Community towards Upbringing. Teologia I Moralność, 7(1(11), 35–45.


Upbringing is not merely a mix of activities on the part of the family and social institutions. Schools as well as different social organisations (especially youth ones) or church institutions responsible for upbringing activities are obliged to respect the Charter of the Rights of the Family. According to his document the family is the first and prior community of upbringing. Proper effects can be obtained only when certain conditions and rules of cooperation concerning all the entities engaged in the process of upbringing are implemented. It is worthwhile to discuss these rules and seek new ways of putting them into action
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