Violence in a Family Experiencing Crisis
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family dysfunctions
child as a witness of violence
intervention assistance to the family
therapeutic interaction

How to Cite

Oliwa-Ciesielska, M. (2012). Violence in a Family Experiencing Crisis. Teologia I Moralność, 7(1(11), 47–62.


The article analyzes the situation of violence in the family and its impact on dysfunctional roles of its members. The problem is viewed in the context of sociological data and selected aspects of assistance to the family, such as crisis intervention care. Besides intervention actions, the article discusses recommendations pertaining to basic requirements of effective help in a situation of family dysfunction. The focus of the analysis is on the role of the child in a family experiencing direct and indirect violence, where it plays the role of an observer of the suffering of its close ones. An important issue considered here is that of developmental disorders in a child with experience of trauma and its consequences. Traumatic experiences often go hand in hand with the problems of a child in the role of a witness reporting the situation in the family in order to trigger profession assistance. In connection with this the article also discusses the requirement of conducting professional interviews to investigate the situation in the family, and the necessity of therapeutic interaction with children who are victims of family violence.
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