One of the greatest social problems of our society deals with the insolubility of the marriages. In the modern society there are so many marriages, which fall apart. This is also a problem and challenge to the Church. Even many Catholics live in partnership without sacramental bonds. Also many young Catholics do not find enough motivation to make the decision about sacramental marriage. One of the reasons of such a situation is the recycling mentality of the modern society. According to it, it is easier to change one’s life partner than to care for the repairing of the torn bonds of one’s marriage. Divorces are not only socially accepted, but also very easy to get, even though they involve some expenses. A positive characteristic of the modern society is lifelong learning, which might include also religious education and upbringing. One of the means, which might be used to support the religious education process, is the wedding homily. It is addressed to all the participants of the ceremony. The polls organized by the Holy See showed that the faithful greatly appreciate the homilies, which they hear during the church liturgy. The preachers then should not ignore the wonderful opportunity provided by the wedding homilies. First of all it is the duty of the priests active in the pastoral care and then also the right of the faithful to be nurtured by the words of their priests. It is a most suitable opportunity to promote the Catholic vision of marriage and to express the genuine care of the Church for the marriages and families, as well as to express respect for those, who experience problems. Both, the thoughts and the form of their delivery might play an educative role especially for the married couples, those who think about getting married and those who experience problems in their marital life.References
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